6 things I wish you knew and believed about yourself

As I contemplate things of VALUE to share with you, I'm also compelled to tell you the truth about what I'm doing. Part of my purpose in this world is to help people be who they were made to be. Meaning, help us align with our true worth and value. When we embrace ourselves for who we are and who we're meant to become, the way we live our lives begins to reflect that value and worth in such a way that we are truly fulfilled and excited for each and every day. My role in this purpose includes a personal passion for the mind-body connection and how food and lifestyle play into that connection- both impacted by it and impacting our daily experience and long-term wellness. The dialogue I use in this work can sometimes be confusing or overwhelming to others, and is sometimes even misunderstood- for example my recent call for us to invest in cultivating our self-relationship as our greatest habit. Through all of the trends I've explored and different credentials I have pursued, my vision and passion have not wavered. This tells me it's worthy of sharing and that there must be something to what I have learned and what I believe about humans, and about the body. Keep in mind that I'm not making any of the things I believe up based on JUST my personal experience. These things are true… they are just often overcrowded or pushed aside for newer, shinier, flashier and faster things. Consider this deep internal passion of mine, for you to know the truth, my motivation for sharing with you today…

Things I wish you knew and believed about yourself:

1. You are far more than a number.

... a number on the scale, a pants size, a price tag, or a number of days that you can expect "results" in. Your identity and worth are not directly dependent upon your appearance, your output, or your productivity. When we give priority to those external numbers, we lose sight of and often neglect the real “us." This is why we are left feeling empty and dissatisfied on repeat. This is why diet programs WORK, but they do not LAST.

2. You cannot give from an empty cup.

...no matter what anyone around you tells you about self-sacrifice or how much “good” it looks like you're doing for others. There is greater value in overflow giving and you can only overflow if you're saying yes to the things that are right for you and no to the things that are not. This requires a committed honor for that true self inside of you and a confidence in being ‘different’ from time to time. It also requires that we shift from FOMO to JOMO from time to time.

3. Your energy is a mirror.

All energy is generated from a source when we are connected to our core purpose- it is not something to find or are able to get from others. The energy that you contribute in life is a direct reflection of the energy you are generating from within. If that energy is generated in lack, wishing things would change, comparing yourself to others, or compensating for what you believe to be your flaws, then the energy you put out into the world will create more of that. If you generate energy from within that is abundant, grateful, and aligned with your true identity, gifts, and unique desires, then you will be filling up the YOU-Shaped hole on this earth. And THAT feels energizing and amazing!

4. The way you treat yourself matters.

All energy is generated from a source when we are connected to our core purpose- it is not something to find or are able to get from others. The energy that you contribute in life is a direct reflection of the energy you are generating from within. If that energy is generated in lack, wishing things would change, comparing yourself to others, or compensating for what you believe to be your flaws, then the energy you put out into the world will create more of that. If you generate energy from within that is abundant, grateful, and aligned with your true identity, gifts, and unique desires, then you will be filling up the YOU-Shaped hole on this earth. And THAT feels energizing and amazing!

5. It’s not just all in your head.

So much of our mental "dis ease" has a tangled relationship with our physical state, often has biological roots, and is often exacerbated by how we treat ourselves, physically. Yes, there is a direct link between how food and substance is managed in the body and what our mental state is. This one is not about appearance or a standard to meet. It's not about a size or a conventional understanding of what healthy is. It's about understanding how the body was made and how modern food is made and how we can empower ourselves to support BOTH our mind and our body AND still have a healthy relationship with ourselves. Supporting the body and loving your self are not mutually exclusive- the two are meant to be in a symbiotic relationship.

6. True growth takes time.

True growth is never going to happen overnight and our commitment to the process is our commitment to ourselves. When we expect results- because we judge ourselves on success or failure ;and judge the product and process by the outcomes- we will always be let down. Because it's not about the outcomes. Your every waking breathing second of existence on this planet is what it's about. If we don't get in touch with THOSE moments, we miss the point. We have to stop bypassing what matters to get to what we think matters... it's a mirage, and we run right through the watery haze of a picture we thought we wanted.

I do this work daily and am ever grateful for the people who believe in themselves just enough to do the work. It takes just a tiny bit of “hmmm, I know I was made for more than the way I'm feeling in life” to grab onto and cultivate growth! It's an amazing journey to watch and participate in. As I work on updates and up levels to Awarding Life coaching offerings for 2022, I was just compelled to share these simple, yet intense truths with you. It's the time of year when my inbox and social media feed begin filling up with quick-fix diets and programs that will have you motivated by January 1! But, what if you could be in a growing relationship with yourself that serves your mind and body now…and always? What if your January 1 won't be just like last years, or the year befores, or the year befores. And…better still, what if your 2020, and 2021…and upcoming 2022, DON'T have to match the mass dialogue of loneliness, stagnation, weight gain, depression and anxiety? What if every day could be better than the last no matter what year it is or what's going on around you.


I look back on the years of work-on-self and work-with-others and I see profound areas of growth that are the outcome of small, seemingly simple consistent changes. It's also the paralleled journey of Awarding Life. As every year passes, small tweaks are made to offer more effective approaches to the work of you knowing and loving and living for YOU. One of those up levels this year will be through our group coaching service, which will soon morph into a membership opportunity. It's a small tweak, but one that will surge these truths into your inbox on a weekly basis. Education, Strategy, and Unconditional Support are pillars of this community. Effective strategies in nutrition, movement, self-talk and mindset are intricately woven into life in ways that have us looking back and wondering when things changed for the better. I'll be offering more details about that soon.


Sharing some gratitude with you


I truly believe that personal wellness is how we change the world.