AL’s Favorite Things

A few of our favorite things.

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Young Living Essential Oils

Essential Oils help us treat illness, prevent infection, feel good, sleep better, clean house and even cook!  Check out Young Living, an exceptional producer of PURE essential oils!


Annual All-Access BeachBody on Demand and Shakeology Challenge Pack

You’ve heard of Netflix, right?  Well, you can have fitness options at your fingertips 365 days a year with Netflix for exercise…otherwise known as Beachbody On Demand, or BOD!  This digital wellness library includes workouts from Beachbody’s top trainers and instructors to address EVERY fitness need and level.  My personal favorite is the Team Beachbody Yoga Studio, but you can access ANY program Beachbody has ever created through this portal.  Better yet, when you subscribe, you get ME as your coach…I’ll help you choose workouts, create a schedule and ensure you have all the resources to support you in your wellness endeavors!

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Want to know what chronic hunger, inability to lose or maintain weight, and chronic disease all have in common?  Nutrient Deficiency.  Getting the essential nutrients we need to live optimally these days is tough!  Shakeology combines proteins, phytonutrients, pre/probiotics, vitamins, minerals, adaptogens and digestive enzymes in a non-synthetic, credibly sourced, whole foods blend that will support your HEALTH from the inside out.


Annual Beachbody On Demand & Shakeology® Challenge Pack

Get Fitness AND Nutrition at a bundled discount, click button below to shop the challenge pack: Annual Beachbody On Demand & Shakeology® Challenge Pack:


Thrive Market

You’re familiar with Amazon. You’re familiar with Costco. You’re familiar with the EXPENSE of buying healthy food for yourself and your family. Let’s make it easier and help the less fortunate at the same time! Welcome to THRIVE MARKET!!! They provide safe, non-toxic, sustainable, natural products for the fraction of the price. Plus, every paid enrollment provides membership for a low-income family, teacher, veteran, or student!! So, make shopping and living healthy less stressful, and join me for a virtual shopping trip!


Nuun Hydration

Nuun Hydration enhances the taste and benefits of water with all necessary electrolytes and NONE of the sugar.


Kion Aminos

Kion Aminos provides your body with the essential amino acids used during exercise.


Omnit Emulsified MCT Oil

Onnit Emulsified MCT oil is a great way to get that “coffee creamer” feel without the sugar or insulin kick! It’s also a stellar source of healthy fats and a clean fuel for the body.