Thai Chicken Tacos

Ingredients for taco filling:

  • 1 lb chicken meat- your preference

  • 1 tbs coconut oil

  • 2 tbs vegetable or chicken stock

  • 2 tbs everyday seasoning (garlic, pepper,sea salt, paprika, sage or parsley, black pepper)

  • 1 lb brussel sprouts or cabbage- chopped

  • 1 cup chopped mini bell peppers

  • sea salt

  • 2 cups arugula

Ingredient for taco:

  • Large Romaine Leaves


*see Thai Dressing


  • Sprinkle chicken pieces with 1 tbs seasoning, and sauté pieces whole in 1 tbs coconut oil.  When all sides are browned and chicken is cooked through (be careful not to overcook- it can get dry!) remove chicken from pan and set aside.

  • While chicken is cooking, chop brussel sprouts/cabbage and peppers.  After removing chicken from pan, add the veggies, and stock.  

  • Lightly sauté veggies, adding the rest of the seasoning and sea salt to taste. 

  • Layer washed romaine leaves with some arugula.

  • Shred the chicken with a fork once it is cooled enough to handle...or just burn your fingers if you cannot wait that long!

  • Combine the shredded chicken with the veggies, either in the cooking skillet (heat off) or in a separate bowl.  Drizzle with about 1/4 of the dressing and toss.

  • Add taco filling to the romaine shells, on top of the arugula.

  • drizzle with more dressing, as desired; hold romaine like a taco shell, and enjoy!

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  • Mix 2 tbs of full fat greek yogurt with juice from 1/2 a lime and spread on the bottom of the romaine.

  • Chop an avocado and add on top!


Thai Dressing


Grilled Salmon with Garlic Ginger Bok Choy