What we’re seeking that's not weight loss

I think I'm ready to talk about what's coming in 2022 for Awarding Life. Ultimately, there are TONS of products and programs out there, so I would really love a chance to share with you why the WWP is different. If you agree with me that you're more than a number and that you want more than a quick fix, I encourage you to read on…

Ok, so what is the WWP? The Worthy Wellness Project is the newest evolution of my wellness coaching program. Since I began wellness coaching in 2014, every year I intentionally up level the service I provide to match current research and align with my own integrity to not follow trends, but provide relevant and honest content and effective support. I work with people in 3 different ways:

  • wellness coaching in a group format,

  • customized/individual lifestyle wellness coaching, and

  • whole-human one-on-one transformational life coaching.

The WWP is that first level and what has previously been the Awarding Life Group Coaching program is becoming the Worthy Wellness Project!


From my experience and my gut-knowledge, I believe that what we are each seeking is much bigger than a weight loss goal or a desire to look a certain way. Even though we have been taught that wellness is about looking and being “healthy,” we really have a desire to…

  • feel in alignment with who we are feel like we're moving toward who we were created to be!

  • experience vitality and energy in these bodies, confident in how they look and what they can do!

  • be confident in our food choices and desires, knowing how they will impact us and why we are choosing them!

  • effectively manage unavoidable stress and eliminate unnecessary stress!

  • feel less guilt, shame and remorse about what we do and how we look!

  • be equally content with how we spend our time and driven to acheive our potential!

Wellness is about our EXPERIENCE of daily living and how that compounds over time, creating the lives we live. What we eat, how much we move, how we think, and what comprises our day are factors that contribute to our wellness. When we minimize wellness to food and exercise, we often forget that all parts of us matter and that wellness is not just what we do, but WHY we do it because of WHO we are.

Recently, I asked the members of the ALGC, as well as my 1:1 coaching clients, what word came to mind when they thought about the work they had one as a result of my coaching. I was not surprised, but was absolutely ecstatic with the answer I received most of:


YES!!! It's working! I literally said this out loud as I received email responses to my question. This is the foundation of wellness! This is the main goal for what I do on all levels… to help you remember how worthy you really are and then to live lives that reflect that worth! This translates to nutrition, exercise, daily routine, lifestyle choices and self care practices.

Programs that only focus on what to eat and which workout to do only create short term progress because they leave out all of the other parts of being human.

In the work I do, I am often reminded of a quote- "You will never outperform your identity." This embodies a fundamental truth about the human experience of wellness:

If I am already of great worth, I want to take care of myself, and if I care for myself, I will experience my worth. I can honor my life by nourishing and caring for the body I live in and the mind I live with.

So how do we get wellness?

Self worth, or lack thereof, is one of the ROOT issues involved in most of our wellness struggles- mental & physical! But it doesn't always have to be that overwhelming or complicated. Receiving a little support and direction about these things is part of how we get started and build momentum. One of my favorite things to help clients with is the discipline of structure because structure creates freedom. This is where the guidance and education comes in.

I don't believe that any one way of eating or exercising is the right way or the only way for all of us.

But I do believe we all need to apply truth to our lives and experiment to see what does work for us at different phases in our lives! While we are each unique, there are some essential elements to supporting the body and mind we live in that are going to be true no matter what. This means we need to learn and practice certain things that are true about life and the body and figure out HOW they look and work in our lives.

Self-experimentation is the only way to figure out what works for you. That's what the Awarding Life Group Coaching program, now the Worthy Wellness Project is all about. I will teach you the things that are true about:

  • nutrition

  • exercise

  • mindset

… and then I will offer you tools and strategies for experimenting with them in your own life.

This past year, I created a weekly newsletter for members that teaches and explores the core foundations of our health and wellness. There is a whole year of content complete with food education, metabolic strategy, lifestyle support, mindset exercises, and tons of recipes waiting to be gobbled up by anyone who is ready to take their daily wellness to the next level.

I will break down those 52 topics for you soon, but for now, if this sounds like something you need... hop on the waitlist, so I can make space for YOU in the Worthy Wellness Project.


Stopping the Insanity Means Doing Things Differently


Sharing some gratitude with you