Best Kale Salad Ever


  • Fresh Kale, 2 cups = 1 serving

  • Pumpkin seeds- toasted

  • 1/4 cup fresh Blueberries

  • 1/4 chopped cherry tomatoes

  • Asiago cheese- grated

  • 2 tablespoons EVOO

  • juice & zest from 1 lime

  • juice & zest from 1 lemon

  • 1 teaspoon pure maple syrup

  • 1 tbs Spice Blend: sea salt, chile pepper, garlic powder, black pepper)

  • Extra sea salt to taste


  1. Chop kale finely

  2. Combine spice blend, juice, zest, syrup, EVOO in bowl and whisk briskly

  3. Add chopped kale

  4. Toss to coat all kale and allow to set for 10 minutes

  5. Serve topped with tomatoes, blueberries, pumpkin seeds & sprinkle with asiago cheese and sea salt as desired

***  Toasted pumpkin seeds: add some evoo or coconut oil to skillet, add seeds.  Toss frequently to avoid burning... approximately 3-5 minutes duration and remove from heat.


Vegan Cauliflower Stew

