Creamy Shrimp Pasta


  • 1 lb small shrimp, washed, peeled, deveined

  • 1 large spaghetti squash, halved, cooked and scraped

  • 1/2 pkg cream cheese

  • 4 small or 2 large garlic cloves

  • 2 tbs grass fed butter

  • 1/4 cup fresh herbs of choice, chopped

  • 1 lemon, 1/2 juiced, 1/2 for squeezing

  • sea salt 

  • 1 cup tomato sauce- jarred or homemade!


  1. Keep oven on after cooking spaghetti squash

  2. Smash garlic on cutting board, sprinkle with sea salt and smash some more!  Let sit

  3. Add butter to cast iron/skillet over medium heat, allow to melt

  4. Add smashed garlic to butter, stir- don't let burn!

  5. Add shrimp to skillet, tossing, to allow them to begin to cook on all sides

  6. Add half lemon, juice 

  7. Once shrimp begins to cook on the outside, place it in the oven to heat through.  

  8. If you get low on liquid, add more butter or some veggie or chicken stock!

  9. In a bowl, scrape spaghetti squash (still hot if able!) and add cream cheese, sprinkle sea salt, mix to melt/combine cream cheese

  10. Add tomato sauce, sea salt to taste 

  11. When Shrimp are cooked through, as desired, remove from oven

▬ Serve shrimp over pasta, pouring some of the cooking liquids in as well.

▬ sprinkle chopped fresh herbs and squeeze fresh lemon 


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